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Features > Marketing > Authentic customer reviews and ratings


Authentic Customer Reviews and Ratings

Shopping-Satisfaction - Authentic Customer Reviews and Ratings System Build trust in your website to increase sales
Customer satisfaction is a top priority for your ecommerce success. Encourage customers to share their experience to reassure prospects and help them with their purchasing decisions.

By providing genuine, reliable buyer feedback, you significantly increase the trust shoppers have in your website, a deciding factor when buying online.

Shopping-Satisfaction guarantees the quality and authenticity of the feedback left by your customers concerning your site in general and the products they've purchased.

Advantages of Shopping-Satisfaction

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Improve your search engine optimisation
Customer reviews constantly update your ecommerce website with user-generated content, which Google loves! Not only that...your ratings are also displayed in Google search results, helping to boost your traffic with an average of 17% more clicks.*
Increase your conversion rate
Your visitors need to be reassured that your site is trustworthy when shopping online. Your existing customers are your greatest asset and the best placed to provide objective feedback for future buyers. By boosting your e-reputation with authentic customer reviews, you are giving your visitors the confidence they need to make their purchasing decisions.
Enhance customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty
By inviting your customers to share their experience, you are allowing them to make a difference and participate in the success of your ecommerce website. Genuine feedback will help you to contantly improve your service and authentic reviews help prove to other buyers that you are worthy of their trust.
*Source: Google
Shopping-Satisfaction Pricing
Orders (review requests) 1 to 10 Unlimited
Reviews requested for site
Reviews requested for purchased products
One click moderation
3 moderation requests included per month
Ratings and reviews integrated in the product page
Dedicated merchant certification page
Detailed statistics
Ratings displayed in Google
How to use customer
reviews on your site?
Etape 1 : Ajoutez Shopping Satisfaction
Activate Shopping-Satisfaction
in your back office
Etape 2 : Recevez les avis
Start receiving
customer reviews
Etape 3 : Publiez-les
They are automatically
published on your site
Shopping-Satisfaction - Trusted Customer Feedback System Main Features
One click activation
Direct integration into the Actinic back office
Automatic email notification when a customer leaves a review
One click moderation
Dedicated certification page on the Shopping-Satisfaction site
Direct integration of product reviews in product pages
Dashboard for monitoring customer reviews
Detailed statistics to measure customer feedback