Process mail and telephone orders
Effectively manage orders, however they are placed
Does your business receive orders via telephone, mail or fax?
The Actinic MOTO (Mail Order, Telephone Order) interface allows you to process these orders in the same place as your online orders, saving you time and increasing customer satisfaction.
Optimised search
Find customers in just a few clicks.
Easy account management
Easily retrieve customer information, you can then access and modifiy their information directly from the MOTO screen. Keeping all online and offline orders together enables customer details to be found quickly which improves the customer service experience.
Simplified product selection
Find products quickly by product code, name or brand and add the necessary items to the customer order.
Integration with Actinic Payments
Provides direct integration to Actinic Payments to enable credit and debit card payments to be processed on the screen eliminating the need to use a separate virtual terminal. Security is ensured as Actinic Payments is a fully PCI-DSS compliant service with no card details stored on the computer.
You can easily add a discount or apply an existing discount in the MOTO system.
Centralised checkout
Select the customer's preferred payment and shipping methods and the order is complete.
How to use MOTO?
Activate payment methods for MOTO
Activate shipping options for MOTO
Use the MOTO menu [Commerce \ MOTO (Mail Order /Telephone Order)]